Thursday, April 25, 2013

Shumpei Yamaki Exhibition 4/27, 28, 29

Shumpei Yamaki 2013
– Dance with Shape -
Apr. 27th, 28th and 29th

Artist Reception & Sake Tasting
Apr. 27th Sat. 6pm -8 pm

Shumpei just sent pictures of his works which will be on the exhibition.
On this show, we will introduce his works with his dramatic and dynamic background.
Please join us for the Artist Reception on April 27th Saturday, featuring a Sake Tasting presented by NAGAI SHUZO featuring their sake MIZUBASHO.
And don't forget, the exhibition will be on Apr. 27th, 28th and 29th.

Here is his artist statement, it's like a poetry.

“I feel free to communicate with my own language through art. Direct action in the process of creating art is the key to communicating effectively. Results of my action reflect my inner perception.
Learning street dance has taught me how to communicate with others visually and emotionally. My former experience in Hip-Hop culture and Capoeira (Afro-Brazilian martial art) still exists in my body and soul, blending with and influencing my wheel throwing techniques. When I dance, I dance with flow and force. I dance to express my primitive spirit, and my intuition is exactly what I feel at that moment, completely removed from myself.
I view clay on the pottery wheel as a sort of stage for myself as a dancer. When water flows on the surface of clay on a pottery wheel, my hands dance to rhythm and my mind stretches into meditation. Imagination and feelings about clay and water take me to a state of mind as "second nature". As street dance and clay combine through me, the true primitive concepts of these two art forms communicate themselves to the audience; one is ephemeral, the other is permanent. “ –Shumpei Yamaki




踊りと陶芸というと まったくかけ離れた別のモノに思われるかも知れませんが、
踊りも轆轤も練習を重ねることで 自分自身が無意識で楽しみ表現できる自由を得られる。 
そこに 『セカンドネイチャー』とよばれる精神と肉体の融合感覚があります。

その土の塊から 人間と自然の感覚を持ち合わせた「真の美」が生まれる。


* Open Hours *
April 27th Sat.    12pm - 8 pm *Artist Reception & Sake Tasting 6pm - 8pm
April 28th Sun.  12pm - 6pm
April 29th Mon.   10am - 7pm

MIZUBASHO Ginjo : & Junmai Daiginjo
Supported by Nagai Shuzo
*Pure water filtered though the terrain of the Oze calley, and premium Yamada-Nishiki rice, considered the finest rice for making, are brought together at the Mizubasho Kura, to create the Nagai family sake.

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