Monday, August 11, 2014

Wood Fired Dinosaurs from Today until 8/14 by Shumpei Yamaki

We are having a mini exhibition of "Wood Fired Dinosaurs" by Shumpei Yamaki.
Shumpei wrote a poem for his dinosaurs, his earnest words and sincere feeling will touch your heart.

Dinosaurs were my childhood heroes.
My simple childhood fascination is the motivation to create dinosaurs as mysterious monsters from a remote past.

This is the pure desire that I feel close to my artistic statement.
When I make these dinosaurs, my focus is to connect movement with living form, such that the form implies purposeful action.
During a wood firing, my dinosaurs shout out to me in the kiln as if they were in a survival world.
Over 2300 degree firestorm also reveals a unique surface for encountering one kind of my childhood  toy, the real clay dinosaurs.

Because of them, I can play with clay.

-Shumpei Yamaki

知るだけで なんだかウズウズする。

土に伝える時 息づかいを伝えたい。
彼らが 僕の目の前で動きだすのだから。
T-Rex is the largest carnivorous dinosaur.
It is the king of all.
I need to make one of these just because the evidence of T-Rex has stricken my intuition greatly.

Triceratops "tree-horn face" is the most recognizable herbivorous dinosaur.
This three horned with a large frilled dinosaur, has no fear of fighting against T-Rex in my mind. They stand for rights.  

Styracosaurus "spiked lizard" looks strikingly elegant. Triceratops and Styracosaurus are the same group of herbivorous dinosaurs, called Ceratopsian.
I have to say Ceratopsians are my all time favorite. 

Stegosaurus "roof lizard" is an armored plant-eating dinosaur. Stegosaurus carries plates rising vertically along the back. Yes, it is weird to have vertical plates on your back yet Stegosaurus looks exceptionally stylish.

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