Friday, July 18, 2014

Gen Saratani's Activity

It is great to hear that our lacquer artist, Gen Saratani, has been active not only for "Kintsugi" ceramic restoration but also for giving lecture and workshops.
In June, he had lecture for the member of Urasenke Chanoyu Center of New York, it focused the history and basic knowledge of lacquer. There was also demonstration with showing his tools and the process of "Makie*" decoration technique.

(*"Makie" is Japanese lacquer sprinkled with gold/silver or sea shell as a decoration. " Kintsugi" ceramic restoration is basically used the "Makie" decoration technique.)

He also visited "Shofuso" tea house and gave a  lecture to the member of  Urasenke Tankokai Philadelphia Association .
In addition, Gen had workshop to the conservators at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. This is an advanced class of "Kintsugi" ceramic restoration.

Kintsugi class is still available, please contact to if you are interested in taking his class.
It must be fun to know the Japanese traditional method and technique!

Lecture about history and basic knowledge of lacquer

Explaining the process of layering lacquer and his tools.

Kintsugi Class for the conservator at Metropolitan Museum of Art

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