Mike Weber -Sculpture and Vessel-
Mike Weber has a very unique career of spanning over 40 years.
The first 20 years was spent creating and showing colorful sculptures together with the students of Spanish artist Miro. Then came the next 20 years, where he suddenly turned his focus to Japanese influenced bowls. Mike Weber Sculpture and Vessel show, taking place at Sara Japanese Pottery on Lexington Avenue, will focus on this second half of his great career through his most recent works.
Since building a small Anagama kiln at the recommendation of Shiro Tsujimura, Mike's works have flourished into a whole new level. Mike only uses red pine wood from start to finish for his firings, perhaps this is the secret to the unbelievable results of his works.
Mike once told me, " I'd rather use clay that's like a wild horse, difficult and hard to handle, rather than using refined clay. The wild horse spinning on the wheel results in the clay shaping itself naturally. " You will see this natural side of Mike in his works.
Mike will be at Sara Japanese Pottery for the Artist Reception on September 11th, and will be stopping by the store on the 12th and the 13th. Please come by to meet Mike in person, you are sure to have a wonderful moment with an artist with a fabulous personality.
Show Schedule: September 11th (Saturday) 12:00 ~ 20:00
September 12th (Sunday) 12:00 ~ 18:00
September 13th (Monday) 11:00 ~ 19:00
Artist Reception: September 11th (Saturday) 18:00 ~ 20:00
The reception will feature Dassai sake from Asahishuzo.
Address: 950 Lexington Avenue (between 69th and 70th) @ Sara Japanese Pottery